Click HERE for the NatSoft link to access TCRC results
Click HERE for all Baskerville 1000 and Symmons 6-Hour results to date
Natsoft Timing
All rounds of the Tasmanian Circuit Racing Championship at Baskerville and Symmons Plains are timed using car-mounted electronic transponders linked to the circuit’s digital timing system.
Session results (practice, qualifying and races) are uploaded periodically during the day to results website Natsoft, which also offers a live-timing service for most major events.
The Baskerville 1000 endurance regularity events also use electronic transponders for timing. Live timing via Natsoft is generally available for these events.
Click here to access the Natsoft Race Results website. This site can be slow to load. Once in the home page, click the circuit-racing symbol in the left of the top panel to open the race meetings menu.
Results from previous Baskerville meetings can be accessed by selecting Baskerville from the tracks menu. This should display Baskerville-only meetings.